Tuesday, April 10, 2012

So what's our approach?

So what exactly do we do here at He Bikes, She Runs, They Love?  We've hinted at "healthy living", but what does that mean to us?  

Well our approach is really simple:  eat clean and exercise.  It's pretty obvious what our preferred modes of exercise are (I bike, she runs!) but what exactly is "clean eating"?  Well, to put it simply, if something is  processed, we avoid it.  Now that seems really simple, but it gets a little complicated.  Over time, the companies in charge of creating our food have moved further and further away from the original product, substituting in things like artificial sweeteners to make the food taste "better".  The thing is, if we had stuck to the original product, it would have tasted just as good!  The point is, a LOT of our food is now processed, so that tends to make this diet a little tricky.  Things like sugar and things with white flour (white bread, regular pasta, etc.) are processed so they're out, as are anything at the store that has an ingredients list the size of a small country.  Our rule of thumb is if we don't recognize the ingredient or we can't pronounce it, it probably isn't clean.

The main focus is to clean up as much as possible everything we eat.  We buy lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, and hearty whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, oats) and make everything we eat from scratch.  If you want to get into the nitty gritty details of our diet, I highly recommend checking out The Gracious Pantry.  Tiffany over at her blog has come up with tons of great descriptions of clean eating, as well as a slew of home made recipes that are 100% clean and delicious to boot!


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