Sunday, July 8, 2012

Katie and I spent the last couple days catching up on some of the good food documentaries that have been released in the last couple years.  The first we watched was Food Matters.  This documentary talked about the wonderful powers of food.  It certainly illuminated some aspects of food that I had never thought about before and I would recommend anyone who is serious about their health and nutrition to check it out.  For those who want a teaser, it primarily talks about how eating healthy, whole foods can radically change the way your life works, and how modern medicine isn't broadcasting that message.

The other documentary we watched was a very uplifting film called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  This film was about a man who had a debilitating disease which he took excessive amounts of medication for that really didn't help his problem.  So he consulted a nutritionist and decided to try a 60 day juice fast to cleanse his system of everything, lose weight, and try to beat back his disease in a way that modern medicine just can't keep up with.  He also meets and convinces a man on the road to try it out to save himself from the same disease and a lifestyle of extreme obesity.  It's a great film and really shows how radically changing a diet can help people alter their lifestyle.

Both of these films really gave both Katie and myself a desire to continue eating clean as a start.  Something we learned that we weren't aware of is that processed food has approximately 10% of the nutrients as the original article.  So that cream of broccoli soup in the supermarket is missing almost all of the nutrients it would have produced had you simply eaten a head of broccoli.  It also gave us a desire to reach out to our friends and family and try to encourage them to also eat healthy for their future.  All of the drugs that needed to be consumed for the problems associated with obesity presented in Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead cost around $500 a month without any insurance.  Not only is that not financially viable, but it cannot be good for your body to be warping it with all those drugs.  Considering that obesity is completely preventable (with a healthy diet) there is NO REASON to waste that kind of money.

So consider it official.  Katie and I have renewed our commitments to eat clean, but also to advocate for healthy lifestyles.  Go watch those documentaries, and think about your future.

*Both documentaries are available on Instant Netflix Streaming, as well as traditional sources.

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