Thursday, June 28, 2012

Turn up the heat!

Welcome to summer folks.  It. Is. Hot.

No one should really be surprised by the heat, but every year it gets hot and I get grumpy.  I can't stand sitting in at home sweating.  But, I still need to get my exercise and healthy eating in somehow, so what's a guy supposed to do?  Here are five great tips to beating the summer inferno.

1)  Get up early.  

This morning when I went out for my bike ride at 7 am, it was a comfortable 74 degrees F.  The earlier you can get out of bed for your workout, the cooler it will be out.  Trust me on this one, I study weather for a living.

2)  Hydrate.

Drink lots of WATER.  More specifically though, drink water long before you think you're going to need it.  The rule is hydrate up 12 hours before you plan to do activities outside.  It takes time for your body to process water, so if you start drinking when you're thirsty, you're already too late.  

3)  Get out of direct sunlight

It can be anywhere from 5-10 degrees cooler in the shade compared to sunny areas, so skip trying to get that perfect tan and do your stretching under a tree.

4)  Relax during the Hottest part of the day

There's no sense doing a ton of work between 1 and 5 pm, especially when temperatures are above 95 degrees.  Take it easy during these hot hours.  If you have to work outside, rely on 2 and 3 and keep your activity level to a minimum.

5)  Hang out where there is AC

Turn on the AC in your house.  If you don't have AC, go shop for groceries, go to the local library, hang out at the local YMCA, etc. for a couple of hours.  Chances are good you can find some place in your community to cool off for a few hours, and it will really help energize you.  

This list is definitely not exhaustive (even if the heat is) but following these basic steps will help you shrug off the heat.  If you have more ideas, post them in the comments!


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