Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Change CAN be a good thing

Hey everyone!

For those that know me well, I am not a person who likes change.  I am kind of (ok a lot) a control freak and I enjoy my comfortable and safe routines.  I am at my best when I know exactly what is going on and what to expect.  Well the other day I was out on one of my evening walks (side note: everyone should take an evening stroll.  Very relaxing and mind-clearing) and started thinking about my life.  I know, I'm very deep.  But in particular, I started thinking about the things I do now that if someone told me I would be doing 3 years ago I would of laughed right in their faces.  I was actually shocked at myself and kind of proud of the person I had become.

The first major thing that I do now that I thought I would NEVER EVER do is run.  I hated running, it was pure torture.  I dreaded the days in gym class that we had to run the mile or the 12 minute run or any form of running in general.  I looked at people in track and cross country and thought what sort of sick and twisted person would join a team that's primary focus is running? What masochist enjoys this evil form of movement?  Well as it turns out: me.  I run nearly everyday and I don't think I could go with out now that I have officially become a runner.  Running has really opened so many doors for me, but most importantly it has shown me just how strong, determined, and motivated I can be.  I can do ANYTHING if I truly put my heart and soul into it.

The second change would be my eating habits.  While I wouldn't say that I ate terribly before switching to a whole foods diet and eliminating processed food, sugar and chemicals, I didn't eat as well as I could.  I loved anything cream-based, I ate way too much pasta (SUCH an easy and cheap dinner to make in college), and indulged in small desserts.  But more than that I snacked constantly.  Some chips here, crackers there, one or two cookies.  I usually had some food nearby or in my hand on it's way to my mouth.  This has changed dramatically.  The way I ate in college, and even as short as 6 months ago, is nothing compared to the way that I eat now.  I used to think that I would never be able to live without cheese or dairy and now I find myself not even craving those things.  I barely eat any pasta and would rather have a big bowl of quinoa or brown rice or some other whole grain.  My desserts now are fresh fruit or some clean dessert that I have prepared from scratch.  And I no longer graze my days away.  And the manner in which I eat has dramatically changed as well.  I don't sit in front of the TV/computer but rather at the table.  I take my time, at least 30 minutes if not more, eating rather than shoveling it in as fast as possible.  And I make everything that I eat.  No microwaveable dinners or meals from a box/bag/pouch.  I take the time to prepare and cook every meal that both Adam and I eat.  That really adds to my enjoyment of the meal.  And all these changes to the way I eat have led to better health and a lot more satisfaction and happiness than previously.

The third change doesn't necessarily have anything to do with health, but it sort of does.  Due mostly to budget, Adam and I haven't had cable for about a year now.  My family will tell you that this is shocking as I used to be the queen of TV.  I would constantly have it on, whether I was actively watching or not.  The minute I would get home I would turn the TV on and sometimes would fall asleep to it's glow.  I easily watched 30 to 40 hours of TV a week.  While I wasn't a couch potato, there were times I could be doing something much more productive with my time.  Now that I don't have cable (we do have Netflix instant and a DVD player so I haven't totally gotten rid of the television) I find myself doing other things like going for walks or cleaning or reading or baking or any other activity that doesn't have my comatose in front of my television set.  And you know what? I love it!! Sure I do miss things like food network and I would love to be able to watch the Olympics live, but I am so much happier doing other things with my time.  And without the constant barrage of commercials for fast food restaurants or things like that, I never crave that stuff.  If you think you are brave enough I would say give no cable a try for just a week and see how much happier you are.  Plus you can save a bunch on your cable bill! Double bonus!

The last change actually just recently came about and I am surprised at how excited I am about it.  I have been given an opportunity to learn more about diet and nutrition and how it affects health and with that a possibility of a career along those lines.  It is just the beginnings and nothing is set in stone nor do I have an official title or anything, but I am so thrilled to be able to have the chance to do something that I am really passionate about.  While being a nanny is great and it helps to pay the bills, it is by no means what I want to do with the rest of my life.  This opportunity would really give me a chance to expand my knowledge on a topic I am VERY interested in and help spread what I learn with others.  That is awesome!!

In that vein, I have decided that I am going to branch off of this blog and start one of my own focusing specifically on food and nutrition.  We will still keep this blog up and running and hopefully try to make a little more out of it than what it is, but I will be dedicating a good portion of my time to the new blog.  Once I get it up and running I will link it to this one so you are able to find it.  My hope is that it will help hone my writing skills and deepen my knowledge as well as get some really important information out there to you readers.  Well, this has been quite the post, but it has been great to really look back and see how far I have come and what an incredible journey I have made.  I still have many miles to go and am excited for what the future holds! Until next time!


Reader feedback: What is one major change in your life that you never thought would happen?

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